Saturday, March 31, 2007

My inner goal

I have a goal--to attain simple nirvana. I wish to live a simpler life with less things. I wish to live without our current technologically advanced wants. I wish to be rid of the clutter and unwanted items, feelings and desires. To go beyond what is attainable and simply live. I want to find the inner me and exist solely on that alone...with the help of my wonderful husband and son, I believe it will become a reality.

I am slowly chipping away the years of buildup of hurt and anger, the years of desires and wanting, the years of frustration. I am slowly peeling back the layers to reveal the true me. The lost little soul that buried herself not wanting to be found.

To find myself, I must first be rid of the mountains of "stuff" that tend to take up space and multiply. I must rid myself of unwanted objects, unneeded objects and stuff just tossed to the side to be "dealt with later"