Friday, May 25, 2007

My Decluttering Steps

There are many ways people declutter. There are many different "programs" and "techniques" to follow. They work for some people, but for others, like myself, I end up falling on my butt only to say "What!!!!! I just decluttered and it looks like i I did nothing!" I think the steps you take to declutter and simplify depend on your personality. Some people like to get it done and over with. Soem like to take their time adn plan it out, step-by-step. Others like to reminese about fond memories of said object. While some just toss it in the box without a care in the world. I think I may have finally found MY way of decluttering.

1. You never need more than 1 of anything.
2. Who cares if it's a set. I only use the cups from it. The rest can go.
3. I'm pretty sure that 1 big bookcase is enough. If I want more books, there is always the library.

So far, that's as far as I've gotten. I have to ease in and find my decluttering, simplifying niche and run with it. I have to test the waters to see if it's the right fit.

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